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Depression Treatment


If you have depression, you are familiar with that sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach. You're tired of not being able to sleep anymore. Of doubting yourself and feeling like you're letting everyone down. You are so tired of crying all the time for no reason at all. And the stress eating! As if you didn't already feel bad enough about yourself and how you look!

You can't concentrate. It's hard to even focus on something for more than a few seconds at a time. At times your mind races, other times it's completely empty. And making decisions? Forget about it!



The Downward Cycle

You wish you had enough energy to get out of bed and go to work already or to take care of the house and your children! Everything hurts- your head, your muscles, and you constantly feel sick to your stomach.


You ask yourself why your partner hasn't left- you just know that he/she is sick to death of you. It seems like all you do is fight. What happened to the love you once felt? Did they really love you? You find yourself wondering if anyone ever really did.


You think life has no joy anymore, no fun, no joy.  You see other people laughing and having fun, but you can't remember when you last did. You wonder if it will ever feel better. If your life will ever feel worth living. On your worst days, you wonder why you were ever born. Everyone would be so much better off without you.


                                                              You Are Not Alone

Depression is one of the most common illnesses in the US today. It affects approximately 19.4 million adults at least once in their lives. Depression affects women more often than men and is most common in people aged 18-25 yrs old, but can affect anyone at any age. If not treated, depression can lead to serious complications including health problems or even death. Depression affects your health, your relationships, and your livelihood. Isn't it time to reach out for some help?



                                                  Getting Your Life Back


When you are in the middle of a depressive episode, it can be hard to believe that you will ever feel better, that your life will ever be good again. But depression treatment can be very helpful in returning your life to the one you envision. I can help you learn the tools you need to better cope with everything that's going on.

I like to use a variety of different techniques and theories in my work with people and base the approach on each individual. Because of this, therapy with me will look different with each person I treat. Below you will find a partial listing of techniques that I find are particularly helpful with depression.


Treatment techniques

we might try together...

  • Rogerian theory or person-centered therapy uses the therapeutic relationship to foster a strong feeling of acceptance and unconditional positive regard. This relationship might be the first time you feel completely understood and listened to and can in itself make change possible for you.

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy believes that changing your thoughts and beliefs will change your feelings. There are several different techniques that we can use during our time together that will improve your ability to manage and cope with your depression as well as to change the behaviors that might be contributing to your depression.

  • Interpersonal Therapy focuses on your relationships and social interactions. Using various techniques and interventions that focus on your life now, rather than on your past, this type of therapy will address any interpersonal conflicts or lack of support.

  • Problem-solving therapy aims to increase your ability to solve the issues causing you distress in your life. Using this method, I will guide you in exploring and defining those issues that are affecting you the most right now so that a variety of different solutions can be tried. 

  • Mindfulness is the practice of purposefully living in the here and now. Studies have shown that people who are more mindful live happier and healthier lives and so I spend some time in therapy teaching people some easy ways to incorporate this philosophy into their lives. You do not have to be an expert at meditation to get benefits from mindfulness so no need to worry!

  • Positive Affect Treatment is like CBT, but focuses a bit more on your behaviors, specifically on behaviors that will bring you enjoyment or a sense of mastery. This type of treatment has been shown to help those with the symptom of anhedonia, or a lack of feeling pleasure, which can come with depression and is often not well managed by medications alone. 

Questions You Might

Be Asking Yourself

Will I be forced to take medications?

Absolutely not! This is completely up to you and I would never try to force you to do something that you're not comfortable with. Some people find medication in addition to talking therapy to be helpful, but others prefer to try therapy only and find counseling alone can help them to reach their goals. I strongly believe that you have to do what is best for you and will gladly work with you whichever way you decide.

Will talking about my feelings of depression while in therapy make it worse?

Research has shown that talking about depression will help improve your depression. Talking with a friend or family member can be very helpful, but talking with a professional therapist helps even more. Therapy will improve your ability to cope and to live your life as you want to. It will not make your depression worse, nor is it a sign that you are weak. Everyone needs help from time to time.

I've been depressed for a really long time, can therapy still help me?

Yes! Therapy can help with both short-term and with long-term depression! Of course, there is no guarantee, and it may take a little while, but if you work with your therapist, are open and honest about what's going on, and try some of the suggestions made in therapy, you should notice an improvement in your depression. Studies suggest that 80-90% of people in treatment for depression notice an improvement in their symptoms.


 Next Steps


If you are still reading this, then chances are you are ready to start addressing your feelings of depression and worthlessness. Therapy can be very helpful with this. Please click on the contact button below to schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation and we can talk about getting started with therapy soon. I look forward to hearing from you!


Remember, asking for help when you need it is not a sign of weakness. It takes real inner strength to do so. And although it won't be a quick and easy fix, therapy will be worth it.

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